Key differences between SQL Server and MongoDB:


FeatureSQL ServerMongoDB
Database ModelRelationalDocument-oriented
Query LanguageSQLMongoDB Query Language (MQL)
TransactionsACID-compliantACID-compliant with distributed transactions
ScalabilityVertical and Horizontal scalingHorizontal scaling only
IndexingB-tree and Hash indexingMultikey indexing and Geospatial indexing
ReplicationMaster-Slave and Peer-to-PeerMaster-Slave and Replica Sets
BackupsFull, Differential, and Log backupPoint-in-Time backup and Filesystem backup
JoinsSupportedNot supported
Data TypesFixed and VariableDynamic
AggregationSupportedNative and Map-Reduce Aggregation
Note that this is not an exhaustive list and there may be other differences or nuances to consider when choosing between SQL Server and MongoDB.


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