Handling of schema changes in different sql server replication


Replication TypeSchema Changes Handling
SnapshotSchema changes made to the published database are automatically included in the next snapshot.
Subscribers must be reinitialized with the new snapshot to receive the schema changes.
TransactionalSchema changes are applied to subscribers using a series of system stored procedures automatically generated.
Stored procedures are created and executed on the subscriber to synchronize schema changes from the publisher.
MergeSchema changes are handled using SQL Server scripts generated by the replication engine.
Scripts are propagated to the subscriber databases where they are executed to apply the schema changes.

It's important to note that schema changes can potentially cause replication to fail if they are not handled properly. 

To avoid issues, it's recommended to carefully plan and test any schema changes before applying them to the published database.

 Additionally, it's important to ensure that all subscribers are updated with the latest schema changes to avoid data inconsistencies.


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