Implementing Disaster Recovery with SRDF


How to perform disaster recovery with two locations using SRDF:


Disaster recovery (DR) is an essential aspect of any IT infrastructure, especially for critical systems and applications such as SQL Server. There are many DR solutions available, but one of the most popular ones is SRDF, a data replication solution from Dell EMC. In this blog post, we'll discuss how to perform disaster recovery with two locations using SRDF and the responsibilities of the different teams involved in the process.


Identify the Primary and Secondary Locations:

The first step is to identify which location is the primary data center and which is the secondary data center. For example, let's say that the primary location is in New York, and the secondary location is in Chicago.


Set up SRDF Replication:

The storage team is responsible for configuring the storage arrays at both the New York and Chicago data centers for SRDF replication. This involves creating a replication relationship between the arrays, configuring the replication mode (synchronous or asynchronous), and setting up replication schedules.


Initialize the Replication:

The storage team is also responsible for initializing the replication by copying the initial data from the New York data center to the Chicago data center. This can be done using a full backup or by using an incremental backup and restore method.


Monitor the Replication:

The storage team is responsible for monitoring the replication to ensure that it is working correctly. This includes monitoring the replication lag, ensuring that the replication schedules are being followed, and checking the replication status regularly.


Test the Disaster Recovery Plan:

The DBA team is responsible for performing regular disaster recovery tests to ensure that the replicated data is available in the Chicago data center and that the failover process works correctly. This involves simulating a disaster scenario and failover to the Chicago data center to ensure that critical systems can be brought back online quickly and efficiently. It also involves working with the Windows team to perform DNS flip and failover and ensuring that the SQL Server cluster is taken offline before the DR test and brought back online post-DR.


Document the Disaster Recovery Plan:

The storage team, Windows team, and DBA team are jointly responsible for documenting the disaster recovery plan, including the replication schedules, failover procedures, and contact information for key personnel. This documentation should be kept up-to-date and shared with all relevant stakeholders.



By working together, the storage team, Windows team, and DBA team can ensure that organizations with data centers in multiple locations have a comprehensive DR plan in place that protects critical systems and data in the event of a disaster.




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